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NSW Government AI Panel

About this webinar


Join us for an insightful webinar that delves into the capabilities of the Archistar Platform, a pivotal tool under the NSW AI Panel initiative. This session is designed specifically for local councils and government officials interested in leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance urban planning and development.

Key Topics:
  1. Introduction to Archistar Platform: Discover how Archistar uses AI-driven analytics to transform city planning and real estate development. Learn about its key features, including Digital Zoning Checks, AI Chatbots, 3D Generative Design, 3D Precinct Generation and Advanced Data Analysis.
  2. Role of Archistar in the NSW AI Panel: The Archistar Platform has been selected as an eligible product within the NSW AI Panel. Explore how it integrates with state initiatives to help fast-track DA applications by providing better informed applicants with upfront advanced data insights, as well as providing the tools to allow Councils to make data driven decisions around housing supply.
  3. Grant Funding Opportunities: Gain valuable insights into the latest grant opportunities available for NSW Councils. Learn how to apply for funding to integrate technologies like Archistar into your planning processes, with practical tips on navigating the application process and maximizing your chances of success.
Who Should Attend:
  • City and urban planners
  • Local government officials
  • Technology officers within councils
Benefits of Attending:
  • Get firsthand information from the Founder of Archistar.
  • Learn how to gain access to immediate grant funding to implement advanced AI tools in your council.
  • Network with peers and experts in urban planning, technology, and government initiatives.

Your Presenter

Dr Benjamin Coorey PhD
Founder and CEO
  • Dr Benjamin Coorey PhD
    Founder and CEO